Obviously, professionally oriented art conservation professionals should know more than just how to inpaint or clean a painting. And, after 45 years in the profession, “we know a thing or two because we’ve seen a thing or two.” Our practical expertise extends to the following additional services (in addition to art conservation treatments) by Fine Art Conservation Laboratories:
So, it goes without saying that the entire FACL website is about painting preservation-restoration /conservation. To find answers for your specific treatment questions, try putting into the search bar (in the side bar or in the footer) your subject of interest. For instance, “Fix a rip,” Clean a painting,” “Stop flaking paint,” “art restoration, Salt Lake City” (or any other city you are in), “Old Master painting,” or “remove mold,” “repair water damaged painting,” or…
Art Conservation Consultation Services include consulting and planning for; mural conservation and restoration projects, restoration of art on paper, care for painting collections and historic properties; setting collection art conservation/preservation priorities, long-range art conservation needs planning and short-range budget plans, evaluations of art storage facilities and environmental needs, consultant for art traveling exhibitions/shipping, emergency preparedness and disaster response planning and research as it relates to art and collectible items, fine arts insurance evaluations connected with art preservation, emergency/damage surveys, art acquisition/deaccession evaluations, grant preparation and applications for art collection maintenance, fundraising for art restoration conservation related projects, expert testimony/ legal witness services on art and mural relate issues. We provide these services on a continual basis, sometimes on a quick one-task basis and sometimes as a key player on a team for a long term project. https://www.fineartconservationlab.com/consultations/
Archival Framing (Library of Congress archival standards): clean up from disasters, insurance work, artwork installation, vintage-antique frames for reuse, knowledgeable high end quality choice and custom work, digital services https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meqlXVM0Cj8
Art, Antiques, Collectibles Storage: Consider the benefits (see the list on this page) of storing your treasured items with a specialized storage facility: https://www.fineartconservationlab.com/art-antiques-collectibles-storage-at-fine-art-conservation-laboratories/
Disaster Response Services for art related items that have been in a fire, flood and storm, have mold or have been damaged in shipping and storage – Emotionally irreplaceable collectibles and original one of a kind family history items along with high value art and antiques is a special challenge and risk for your disaster response company to handle well. We are the preservation and restoration experts that you can trust for these types of damaged items due to smoke, fire, water, breakage and mishandling. https://www.fineartconservationlab.com/disaster-response-company-resource-smokefire-water-damage-earthquakes-hurricanes-tornados/
Expert Witness Legal Testimony in art related matters. Here is a list of some interesting cases for which we were experts… a couple of them set precedence for future decisions: https://www.fineartconservationlab.com/art-damage-expert-witness-and-legal-testimony/

The 1st multi-media e-book Save Your Stuff – Collection Care Tips, a preservation manual for family history items, heirlooms, collectibles
Save Your Stuff series of educational materials with a focus on:
1. Disaster/emergency preparation and salvage
2. In the Workplace
3. For Collectors
Sign up for free collection care tips from Fine Art Conservation Laboratories. These are sent via email, 2 times a week. Obviously, you can unsubscribe anytime you like, your contact info will never be given to anyone else… and if the emailed tip doesn’t apply to you, just delete it but don’t think we’re scamming you. There are a wide variety of collectors that love this “Collector Care Tips Email” and we hope you do too: https://www.fineartconservationlab.com/valuable-expert-collectible-care-tips-sign-up-for-art-antiques-heirlooms-memorabilia/
Our Professional Art Conservation Team (Good business is a team sport)
To Save, Preserve and Restore Paintings:
Here is our media page (pack a lunch before you go… there’s a bunch of entertaining things to watch): https://www.fineartconservationlab.com/media-room/
Contact us at:
805 564 3438 office
805 570 4140 Scott M. Haskins’ mobile
art restoration, art conservation, painting conservation, painting restoration, art expert witness, art storage, archival framing, Scott M. Haskins, Oriana Montemurro, Danielle Masters, Virginia Panizzon, Andrew Jacobs, Gena Dillon