Luisa Pari and Anna Frassine have been our professional associates for 35 years. Here they collaborate inpainting the damage on WPA mural in City Hall, Cedar Rapids
In-house, I have always valued the team effort that has come together in our private painting conservation practice. And I have always preached that professional service companies, like ours, require collaboration with other professionals (many in parallel specialties that can compliment your own work). One of the strategies to “up my game” is to associate with other successful business people and let their smarts “rub off” onto me.
That means I try to be alert and think differently. For this reason we joined an international business club, the Global Information Network (GIN) and, besides the daily/weekly sequential curriculum to absorb, we attend the meetings twice a year. We are in the Dominican Republic for this conference and loving it!!!
Years ago, I knew I had to associate with people who thought at a higher level than I did and… I had to think differently. The random, piece meal, shot gun approach of positive information from various gurus can offer a lot of good info and self-insights but a this point in my life wasn’t organized well enough and did not move me forward consistently. I wanted change and results now.
So, now its been two years since we joined and I have enjoyed, implemented and felt the benefit of the insights of the program, including the great chance to get away to conferences. But as I study and connect with other members, finding new tools of personal control and development, like Tapping EFT for example, add richly to my evolution as a professional, as a partner and as a head of household. I’m short on time to study it all!!!lol…