Fair Park Dallas, Texas by Carlo Ciampaglia and the 1984 Olympic Freeway Murals in Los Angeles by Kent Twitchell, Judy Baca and Alonzo Davis are featured in this super interesting short video on removing paint and graffiti from murals.
At Fair Park, the continual art conservation services of consulting, working with other contractors, providing art conservation services has continued since 1999. Much of this work has been in collaboration with Nancy McCoy, Historic Preservation Architect of Dallas, Texas who has done a fantastic job as being the overseer on many projects at Fair Park for the City of Dallas. Her contact number is 214 977 9118
In Los Angeles, The Mural Conservancy of Los Angeles may still be heading up an Adopt A Mural Program for the 1984 Olympic Freeway Murals. But, even though they named FACL, Inc as the Property Manager for organizing the logistics of cleaning, protecting and maintaining initially 4 heavily tagged murals… they backed out of the agreement and the original artists of the murals remove graffiti as they can with the info and methodologies we have provided. This work is done in cooperation with Caltrans, Public Works and several other entities. They are at an impassion right now hen it comes to establishing and following through with a long range plan to extend the program to other outdoor murals in LA.
Mural conservation questions? Call Scott Haskins at 805 564 3438
Art Appraisal questions? Call Richard Holgate at 805 895 5121
Click on the THUMBS UP on this article/video now, please

Calling restoration places asking how to remove paint to uncover a mural, either no one was there or had the time to give me an answer. Called Scott Haskins, how nice he was to spend time telling me what material I need, how to use it and where I can buy it.when no one else did.
The Real Person!
Author Scott M. Haskins acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Thanks Judy for leaving a comment. Best wishes!
The was a mural for my Brother who died 20 years ago created by a graffiti artist in Brooklyn, about 5 years ago the building owner painted over the entire thing with paint, can an entire wall be restored?
The Real Person!
Author Scott M. Haskins acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Yes, Linda. It is possible to remove the paint but several ‘conditions’ determine the success. There are several ways to accomplish the restoration of the mural of your brother. You may call me, of course, to discuss your thoughts. One of the beginning determining factors, as you know, will be to have funding in place. How much will it cost? Call me. 805 564 3438
Interesting post and thanks for sharing. Some things in here about graffiti that I have not thought about before.Thanks for making such a cool post about really great murals which is really very well written. I’ll tell some friends about this.
I love this stuff. I’m going to donate. Thanks for everything.
Great article. I live in Brussels and would love it if we had such wonderful public art. In fact, it used to be a tradition to put murals on the outsides of buildings. But, not anymore. Too bad. I love the idea of public art… but it has to be maintained.
I love your writing so much! And the stuff you are writing about is great: murals and street art are so cool… and I’m not even into art. Thanks for helping me see the difference between graffiti vandals and good street artists. Its easy to see the difference once you think about it. Great subject. I look forward to hearing more. You are going to be working on the LA freeway murals that have graffiti on them, right?
Good info and useful tips. Thanks.
Super interesting! I drive the LA freeways where the murals are located (or used to be seen!) and I’ve always loved them. Keep up the good work! Its worth the effort.
Your work on the Fair Park murals from the 40s in Dallas was breathtaking. There are people who destroy and people who create but I am especially thankful for the few who save, protect and restore. Keep up the great work and there just may be hope yet.