Kent Twitchell’s Jim Morphesis Monument Mural Fully Restored

In 1984, Kent Twitchell, Los Angeles’ most famous and most visible mural artist, was part of an elite group of artists to paint for the City of Los Angeles a series of murals along the downtown freeways to celebrate the Olympics. His “7th Street Altarpiece” composition uniquely consisted of two murals, one on each side of the 101 freeway under the Grand Ave. overpass. It was genius.

Jim Morphesis Monument after restoration

Jim Morphesis Monument After Graffiti Removal and Art Conservation - Photo by Gil Ortiz

Over the years, these two murals, The Jim Morphesis Monument and Lita Albuquerque, have unmercifully been tagged by graffiti vandals, disrespecting the artwork and the community that celebrated. Several attempts have been made to restore them but a lack of commitment to their maintenance relegated them back to a visual expression of anarchy.

Recently, The Mural Conservancy of Los Angeles committed to maintain these murals and Fine Art Conservation Laboratories was chosen. So the mural restoration was undertaken and this last week, the Jim Morphesis Monument by Kent Twitchell was fully restored (see photo above).

For a short video on the testing of Kent’s original artwork to see IF it could be cleaned safely, go to Reclaimed from graffiti vandals (and we’re going to keep the graffiti off!) it will be the first of many.

Stay tuned for short video of fine tuning of cleaning, touch up and varnish.  Interesting stuff, the saving of art masterpieces. Spread this good news around!

To contribute to the removal of graffiti and the maintaining of the murals, go to

Conservation/restoration questions? Call Scott M. Haskins 213 620 9125

Also, see other interesting restoration videos at Facebook Channel “bestartdoc”

About Scott M. Haskins

Scott Haskins has been in professional art conservation since 1975, specializing in the conservation/restoration of easel paintings, murals and art on paper. FACL, Inc. is known nationally for doing A+ work no matter the size or difficulty of the project. We are happy to do a quick cleaning on a family heirloom. Our client list and resume is also full of very satisfied clients of large, difficult/complicated projects at remote locations. Excellent services are also available as an Expert Witness/Legal Testimony in art related matters. Consultation on art related projects occur regularly including extensive insurance evaluations for insured or insurer. Services are offered worldwide. Scott M. Haskins is also author of the "Save Your Stuff" series, educational information, materials and supplies to help people protect and save their treasured family heirlooms and collectibles at home and office. He can be reached at 805 564 3438. Video and written testimonials at
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6 Responses to Kent Twitchell’s Jim Morphesis Monument Mural Fully Restored

  1. Les Paul says:

    I love this guy’s work and every time I see one of his murals in LA I think we’re lucky to have him painting in our city. Thanks for helping to preserve and protect his paintings.

    • Scott M. Haskins

      The Real Person!

      Author Scott M. Haskins acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.


      Les, I too think Kent is the best and he is a wonderful person too. I feel honored and excited when I get to be a small part of one of his projects.

  2. Scott, I never dreamed or hoped that my mural could look so amazing after all its been through. You, Virginia and the others of your team have worked well with Caltrans to make this a wonderful project. Thank you and I look forward to working with you on other projects.

  3. Luis Portoles says:

    Thanks for bringing back the artistic landscape of Los Angeles!!!!! Keep supporting mural restoration.

  4. I have nothing but gratefulness for you and the FACL team. What a wonderful job you all did, the mural looks stunning! I never hoped that the mural could look this amazing! You’ve done a fantastic job with the restoration/conservation work. Thank you for being such a leader in the process and being such a quality professional.I am looking forward to keep on working with all of you to have LA regain its title as The Mural Capital of the World!

    Isabel Rojas-Williams
    Executive Director
    Mural Conservancy of Los Angeles (MCLA)

  5. HOW WONDERFUL! I knew this was a historic feat, but this is even better news.
    We are paving the way for Artistic Preservation and Respect. GREAT WORK! Nice videos…I’ve posted a link to this page a few places. Very proud and honored to be associated with this project.
    Love working with you. Thank you, Scott!

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