This is one of the “monikers” that we got tagged with last weekend, the day after we finished the removal of the huge tag of the bottom half of the mural. This graffiti covered about a 4′ x 10′ area. Interesting thing is that this vandal got picked up by police the same weekend he tagged us while he was tagging someplace else! So, the Sheriff is “on it.” They know who the other guy is too, I think. And we caught them on video!
We would have gotten to the wall for the removal last Tues. but there were logistic issues from Caltrans. Today was a quickie: we took off both decent sized tags in about an hour. Here are a couple of interesting newsy technical items:
1. Caltran wanted to try an “approved” varnish that remains water soluble. That means we should be able to wash it and the graffiti off in water. I’m doubtful but we put some on the mural today to test it. In this photo we’re rollin’ it on…
We should be able to report back on how it works in a week or so (we’re almost hoping to get tagged again to see how it works).
2. We got the graffiti paint off nice and slick. We’re getting into the groove.
OK, so stay in touch. Consider a nice fat donation to MCLA to help keep graffiti off (maintenance) or sponsor an entire mural – make it yours! Go to and speak with Isabel Rojas-Williams at 213 291 6900
Mural conservation questions? Ask Scott at 213 620 9125
At appraisal questions? Call Richard at 805 895 5121
Follow us on Facebook at Save Freeway Murals
XOX.. over and out… for now.

I really love to read your blog! The examples that you’ve mention are really interesting like these freeway murals. Thank you so much for posting about these incredible murals that I love so much. I can’t wait till you get them all done and bring them all back to view.
Please keep the graffiti off. I feel really proud of my city that it has this kind of stuff.
Keep up the good work. Don’t give in to those bastards.
Ugh. Taggers were a big problem where I come from, too. While I agree with the varnish, would you know if there’s any area where graffiti artists can really just… I dunno, get their artistic urges out? Like a building or alleyway that somebody doesn’t mind just letting get tagged as long as it’s not offensive?
I’ve seen that in a couple places, and it helps keep the graffiti down.
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In LA there have been a bunch of places set aside for street art or aerosol art as its being called now. Check around your town with contemporary art forums and the Museum of Contemp. Art. They may know of organizations that are interested/involved in the community outreach.
All my best wishes with your work of faux painting and finishing.