For a feature article in the Life Section of the Santa Barbara News-Press go to
Santa Barbara News-Press Article with High Profile Project Story

PBS TV Program on saving the National Treasured paintings of the Old Spanish Missions of California by Henry Chapman Ford.
“Uncovered in the Archives” PBS TV Program Tells Incredible Story of Survival and Restoration of Historic Oil Paintings of Ol Spanish Missions of California by Henry Chapman Ford
Special recognition from the Los Angeles Press Club was announced yesterday for PBS Uncovered in the Archives featuring Fine Art Conservation Laboratories:

AIDS Memorial Mural Restoration Media Report July 3 2019 Hollywood, CA – Click on this image to see short video report
Article in New York City about Mural Conservation
(and Scott Haskins) in Los Angeles
TV Media Coverage of Mural Conservation in City Hall of Cedar Rapids, Iowa
See Scott M. Haskins featured on CNBC TV season finale of Treasure Detectives
See Scott M. Haskins on Keeping Up With The Kardasians TV Episode
Scott Haskins recognized as a national expert in mural conservation, CNN and the New Jersey Herald call Scott M. Haskins to review details (fact check) of the article and quote him…
Article on the art conservation by FACL of 21 paintings of the 19th century historic Missions of California by Edwin Deakin
Media Interviews – Radio and TV
Radio interview about art conservation and entrepreneurial business plan:
National Internet Radio Interview
Restoring Street Murals Back to Life Interview by Julie Rose on BYURadio Top of Mind
WPA historic mural restoration expert Scott M. Haskins is interviewed (20 minute interview) by Sirius FM 143 national talk radio Julie Rose (KBYU) about the recent international attention of the finding, saving and conservation of the mural for the Richmond Museum of Culture and History:
Frankie Boyer Talk Radio Show in Boston, Mass has interviewed Scott M. Haskins, author and high profile art conservation expert 3 times, live, within the last year. One of the subjects covered was “How can something be priceless when its not worth anything?” What is worth saving and protecting of our “stuff?” #FrankieBoyerTalkRadio #ExpertClick #ExpertTalker #Talkers #ScottMHaskins #ExpertClickRadio
Featured multiple times:
Another Media Interview Referred by

Scott Haskins, co-author of the important book, How To Save Your Pet from A Disaster, joins Paula Sands Live to talk about how driving with your pet in the car is the most likely way (statistically) that your beloved pet could suffer significant injury and cause the same to other family members. The book also highlights how house pets and heirlooms DO NOT MIX at home or in a vehicle.
Another Media Interview Referred by
James Lowe on Jiggy Jaguar National Talk Radio out of Kansas City picked up on Scott’s extensive media training and enthusiastic interviews on
“Scott, you were a really excellent guest, it was a great interview. That was fun to do and listen to. Let’s do it again soon!! I would love to have you on with me and Don Mazzella sometime soon on skype video”
High Profile Projects in Print
Houston Chronicle newspaper article on the mural conservation of “The Contribution of Negro Women in American Life and Education – A National Artistic Treasure. The story and preservation of a nationally important historic, iconic mural by John Biggers in Houston Texas as part of Hurricane Harvey Recovery Efforts
Also in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram:
For media articles go to
For videos go to YouTube, Click here: bestartdoc
For Save Your Stuff media go to

Seen by millions, Fine Art Conservation Laboratories contracted with the City of Grand Prairie to preserve and restore the historic fine art mural.
I’ve seen the four of the post office murals Scott Haskins has restored in Pennsylvania and they are fantastic.
The Real Person!
Author Scott M. Haskins acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Thanks David, I look forward to the opportunity to connect with you again in the future.
The Real Person!
Author Scott M. Haskins acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Thanks David for your comment. Those murals are truly special. Scott
Really, was an honor to be part of the process!
Great stuff Scott. Love it!
Cool, Scott!
This is so interesting!! This is why you are the best out there!! Not just your detective work, but also seeing your conservation work done on the finest of art works!!! Can’t wait to see more!!
Scott Haskins, I am so looking forward to seeing the results of your work on my painting. When all my inquiries pointed to you as the ONLY person to consider, I have no doubt I’ll be pleased with the result!
This is valuable information and it is important that the viewers contacts professionals in the field for more in dept information.
I loved Treasure Detectives this season. It was one of my favorite shows. So interesting! I’m jazzed to see this inside peak at your participation.
Scott, you are the true professional. Thank you.
Awesome! So exciting!!!!
Loved the video clip and cool exposure. You deserve it! We love your work.
I Agree with Eka Polam it’s a cool picture. And again thanks for the opportunity to post those comments here! 🙂 We will be using them in South Florida Art Conservation
nice picture 🙂