For those of you who have not done business with FACL, Inc. YET, let me share with you these two testimonials that we received today:
“We have trusted FACL in Santa Barbara since 2002 with all our work, especially with our most difficult restoration projects, knowing that the art conservation treatments will be done right the first time. They are expedient in turnaround, do excellent work and I always get great results. Besides the actual work on our gallery’s paintings, I depend on Scott Haskins for his unparalleled expertise in connoissuership and his high integrity and business ethics” Wynne Benti, Coons Gallery, Bishop, CA
I just bought a Redmond that you worked on and it was so gorgeous and your work so wonderful that I bought it as soon as I saw it. Would you please email me a “condition report” for the repaired Redmond? My insurance comp needs it to arrive at a value for my new policy. Thank you and I will be contacting you again soon! Bernard, Private Collector in Orange County, CA

This is a small during cleaning detail from a Redmond recently worked on in the lab. But this is not the Redmond the testimonial refers to.
Painting conservation questions? Call Scott Haskins 805 564 3438
Art appraisal questions? Call Richard Holgate at 805 895 5121
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Pretty painting! This was a useful post. Thank you for supplying this info.
Thanks for the good information from your article.
I’m sure this is well deserved praise. Seems like you guys are “on it.”
Congrats on the testimonials. You guys rock.
Thanks and praise well deserved I’m sure after looking over your website and the quality of your projects. Your blog is really fun to look through with all the different kinds of artwork that you work on. You seem to have more blog posts for murals. Is that what you mainly do?
The Real Person!
Author Scott M. Haskins acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Melba, In the conservation lab we work on about 450 easel paintings a year. So, we work all the time and have a lab full of paintings. But I don’t post about them because often its just the same ol’ thang of cleaning and varnishing. Murals on the other hand often have an interesting story, political intrigue and extenuating circumstances that make a video and write up more interesting. I’ll work on making our reporting more balanced though. I’m working on a couple of videos for easel paintings that should be VERY interesting, so stay tuned in!
I just could not leave your site prior to telling you that I actually enjoyed the information you supply to your guests. I’m gonna check up on your new posts often.
Hello there, I’ll give you my vote too for the great quality of the work I’ve seen posted on this blog. You’ve performed an incredible job and its been great to have this website to read about this stuff.
These are some good testimonials here and from what I’ve read, they are deserved. Great skills and great people skills too.
I work with a conservator often from my area (Chicago) and, you know, its funny, but by reading your blog I’ve learned better questions to ask him. So, while being entertained by your great posts, I guess I’ve been learning too. Thanks Scott. I wish we could hang out. As a collector, I’d love to pick you brain and take you out to dinner.
The Real Person!
Author Scott M. Haskins acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Thanks Bobbie. Its funny, I have several people that like to pick my brain and I enjoy the associations. Glad you’re finding the blog entertaining and educational. That’s exactly what I want to accomplish.
Thank you for this post. I was looking for this type of information- contact info – testimonial. I pleased to find such a great blog with quality info.
Many people do not understand the importance of proper art restoration
Just like everything else art gets old, dirty and damaged, the difference is – the artist who created it are no longer with us to fix it.
We think of antiquities as being crumbly and muted when in fact many were crisp colorful works of art many year, decade or centuries ago. Thanks to people like you – we can now enjoy what the artist painted – and our children’s children can too.
Congratulations on your testimonials, well deserved praise.
You can see some of my work on murals and faux finishes at
The Real Person!
Author Scott M. Haskins acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Thanks Jan for commenting and being enthusiastic about our work. Yes, its amazing to think about what we WOULDN”T have in this world of we didn’t preserve our past… like we couldn’t have accurate historical movies if we didn’t know what things looked like! Plus, preserving our past in lots of ways, adds quality and connection for our lives.
Also, go to my YouTube channel and subscribe ( I post lots of experiences and jobs we do that you will find interesting and by subscribing, you’ll be notified of new postings.
I went to you website at Keep up the good work!
Scott M. Haskins