Saving Fire, Smoke and Water Damage Art and Family Collectibles from Family Home in Los Angeles

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Last week we were very sad to be called in to follow up on a fire in a family home. Yet, we were able to see the joy on the faces of the family when we were able to help them find and determine quite a few items that could be cleaned up and saved. This is a particularly emotional moment, especially when irreplaceable family history items are saved.

Smoke, fire and water damage to a family home last week to which we assisted to save art related items and family history collectibles

A few years ago, FACL was asked to be the Expert Witness for damage and clean up estimates from smoke, fire and water damage for art related items in the law-suits representing 160 homeowners in Montecito, California against PG&E after the Thomas Fire. That quickly also included the resulting “debris flow” mudslides from the rains that followed the fire that was so devastating. Then, on the heels of those two disasters, the Woolsey Fire (which was started by more faulty electrical equipment) took out homes from the ocean, over a mountain range and to the inland freeways. FACL was the Expert Witness for damage and clean up estimates for art related items smoke, fire and water damage in settling another 150+ claims for homeowners.

While many home owners, take the money and run and don’t save, preserve and restore their artwork, or even their family history items… There are many people who have a hard time “getting over” the loss of the history of their family. The woman who owned this house that was lost in the devastating Santa Barbara Cave Fire of 1990 still mourns, 30+ years later, over the fact that she doesn’t have any photos of her babies and children growing up even though she was a scrapbook enthusiast.

Consider the value of these family history items to prompt memories and the retelling of stories in a family. They document the family’s history. In short, they contain an important part of the family’s memory and keep the heritage alive in the minds of the future generations. Throwing these types of items out results in grave multigenerational consequences.

So, the take away for you from our experience this week, of wandering through charred remains of the household is that there are many options when it comes to saving family history and art from disasters and though you may see the situation as hopeless, lets us give you some input from a different, professional perspective. Here is Virginia Panizzon, one of our veteran Art Conservators reclaiming the painting of a great grandfather that was claimed as lost or ruined by the insurance company but was actually returned to pre-damaged condition.

Art conservator, Virginia Panizzon, cleaning water damage on paintings

Professional art conservators have the expertise to mitigate the effects of water damage on paintings.

We can help you “dial in” your insurance claim and coach you with you claims adjuster so you can have a chance for a much better insurance claim settlement. At this point, you may have questions… or you may know someone going through the painful process of recouping after a disaster. Feel free to call us for a friendly, unbiased chat. The least that will happen from your phone call is that you’ll learn to ask better questions to your claims adjuster.

Here are a couple of “alerts” to help you

More damage to art and family history collectibles was done from careless handling than by the disaster.

While a household item like throw rugs, dishes, toys can be treated with household products to minimize odors, the same products and handling are going to cause damage to frames, art and antiques, vintage items, memorabilia and heirlooms.

Damage to these types of items often results in frustration and the item being thrown out. Such was the case last weekend when there was a disconnect between the father and the adult son. The son went on the search for professional services to take care of odors and mold on 3 paintings by the grandmother and dad decided to hit the artwork with a rag and an off-the-shelf cleaner and stain remover. Before we could get over to the house to inspect and answer questions the next morning, the two items the dad worked on had been thrown away and only 1 of 3 paintings were saved. There was a “lively” family discussion that resulted with many badly hurt feelings.

Are you going to throw away Grandma?

Whether its good art or not, it was painted by grandma

If you happen to have items that have a monetary value, you can imagine the compromised value if it smells badly, is mold infested or is dirty from smoke.

Fire cooked this gorgeous Pre-Raphaelite 19th century oil painting

and smoke damage choked the colors and composition.

Odors and mold also prompt physical reactions such as rashes, allergic reactions and nausea. Hard to kill, mold can re-flower at anytime if conditions are agreeable in the future.

What we do to confront the odor removal process:

  • HEPA vacuuming of dust, debris and grime – wet or dry- (we remove up to 0.035 microns)
  • Sampling in case of lab testing (toxic materials and species ID)
  • Disassembly of artwork to clean into all hidden areas
  • Encapsulation or coating of surfaces with conservation grade resins that absorb particulates and odors or seal them so they are no longer an issue (EPA approved).
  • Replace all porous materials that are not part of the artwork (back boards and matting)
  • If needed, Anoxia Tent Oxygen Deprivation Treatments – Odor removal and kills mold spores

More damage to art and family history collectibles was done from careless handling than by the disaster.

Additional info –

Gena Dillon, Disaster Response Coordinator

Art Conservators Scott M. Haskins, Virginia Panizzon

805 564 3438


Here are some testimonials and examples of our work with other disaster response companies:

Smoke Damage (Testimonial):…

Smoke damage testimonial from PuroClean disaster response company:

Water Damage (Testimonial Mrs. Dau):…

Water Damage (Testimonial Las Vegas):…

Damage in Storage – Rip Repair:…

Expert Author – Tom Antion Hurricane Testimonial:…

Water Damaged Paintings:…

Water damaged art treatment – blog:…

Smoke Damage – Elite Restoration – Blog Post:…

Smithsonian guideline for home collection care:

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Mural Conservation Treatments and Historic Preservation Studies Discover Important Italian Artwork and History In The Garda Lake Area

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About Scott M. Haskins

Scott Haskins has been in professional art conservation since 1975, specializing in the conservation/restoration of easel paintings, murals and art on paper. FACL, Inc. is known nationally for doing A+ work no matter the size or difficulty of the project. We are happy to do a quick cleaning on a family heirloom. Our client list and resume is also full of very satisfied clients of large, difficult/complicated projects at remote locations. Excellent services are also available as an Expert Witness/Legal Testimony in art related matters. Consultation on art related projects occur regularly including extensive insurance evaluations for insured or insurer. Services are offered worldwide. Scott M. Haskins is also author of the "Save Your Stuff" series, educational information, materials and supplies to help people protect and save their treasured family heirlooms and collectibles at home and office. He can be reached at 805 564 3438. Video and written testimonials at
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