Ripped Painting – Is It Dirty Too?!

Even though I look at 1000’s of paintings a year evaluating them for art conservation needs I’m still often surprised at how dirty a painting is. Its unexpected because the image and colors look so even. If something were “dirty” you’d think that you would see, well, crud and dirt. But you really can’t see HOW discolored, dirty, grimy a painting is until you get a test done.

This really great quality western art painting came in the lab after it was ripped/damaged in shipping. The client was stupefied to see the cleaning difference… and ecstatic! The cleaned painting was a vision, full of fabulous colors!

Dirty and Ripped Painting

Unexpected cleaning difference when brought in for rip repair

About Scott M. Haskins

Scott Haskins has been in professional art conservation since 1975, specializing in the conservation/restoration of easel paintings, murals and art on paper. FACL, Inc. is known nationally for doing A+ work no matter the size or difficulty of the project. We are happy to do a quick cleaning on a family heirloom. Our client list and resume is also full of very satisfied clients of large, difficult/complicated projects at remote locations. Excellent services are also available as an Expert Witness/Legal Testimony in art related matters. Consultation on art related projects occur regularly including extensive insurance evaluations for insured or insurer. Services are offered worldwide. Scott M. Haskins is also author of the "Save Your Stuff" series, educational information, materials and supplies to help people protect and save their treasured family heirlooms and collectibles at home and office. He can be reached at 805 564 3438. Video and written testimonials at
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5 Responses to Ripped Painting – Is It Dirty Too?!

  1. Samantha says:

    Hello Mr. Haskins, thank you for your great blog post on the Ripped Painting – Is It Dirty Too?! The article was very beneficial for a project I am working on for a university art class. I’ll let others in the class know about your site.

  2. Lacey Lynn says:

    I just inherited a painting from my grandmother. It has a rip and looks dirty. How should I get it fixed so it will last a long time.

    • Scott M. Haskins

      The Real Person!

      Author Scott M. Haskins acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.


      Lacey, Here’s a quick video about why one should NOT patch a rip in a painting. Its the most popular video I have ever posted on YouTube:
      Call me at my office and I will discuss with you how to find someone that can help you: 805 564 3438
      All my best

    • Scott M. Haskins

      The Real Person!

      Author Scott M. Haskins acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.


      Lacey, sorry for the delay in answering you. I’ve been traveling a lot over the last 3 weeks doing art conservation jobs. Your question is a good one and inherited artwork from loved ones makes them so valuable and important to take care of. We just returned a small oil painting to a man that was inherited from his grandmother. It was ripped and really dirty. He is the set designer for the TV program “Castle”, in LA. He was very careful to not let his art background get in the way of finding a professional art conservator that could do a perfect job on this panting that was, for him, valuable beyond money. Why don’t you give me a call on my mobile and we’ll talk about your options in the area where you live. I’d like to ask you some questions, also, about your artwork so you find the best qualified people to choose from. My number is 805 570 4140. All my best. Scott

  3. Robert Emmonds says:

    Excellent blog! As a collector of art you talk about, in almost every post, a question I have had. This site’s turning into my “go to” authority and helps me ask better questions when I buy.

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