Emotionally irreplaceable collectibles and original one of a kind family history items along with high value art and antiques is a special challenge and risk for your disaster response company to handle well.
We are the preservation and restoration experts that your clients will trust for these types of damaged items due to smoke, fire, water, breakage and mishandling. We have a reputation for highest quality art restoration services and as your vendor or subcontractor this will add our expertise to your excellent capabilities and reputation!
Expand the professional restoration services you offer… and reduce your liability.
In this video are some services and reasons why you should consider letting us be your trusted expert vendor or subcontractor.
Did you see the example of the smoke/fire damaged family heirloom that was declared a “total loss” by the insurance company in this video and made the client cry! It turned out PERFECT after we worked on it! The disaster response company was considered the “savior”of her family’s heritage. We were happy to help. The insurance company may not believe you, but THEY WILL believe us when it comes to evaluating and estimating damage.!!
We help compile inventories and reports for insurance reporting.
We can re-hang the artwork and secure art objects for seismic safety.
We are prepared to handle the logistics and treatments of many items at once. We are easy to communicate with and we can provide door to door service even over long distances.
Let’s Talk! Contact us: Scott M. Haskins, Gena Dillon 805 564 3438 office, 805 570 4140 mobile, faclartdoc@gmail.com

This painting required a double cleaning in order to remove the smoke and debris “safely.” No original paint was removed and the full value was returned.
Here are some testimonials and examples
of our work with other disaster response companies:
Smoke Damage (Testimonial): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMPlQ90iJtc
Smoke damage testimonial from PuroClean disaster response company: https://vimeo.com/250390252
Water Damage (Testimonial Mrs. Dau): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Umg_5trfe8
Water Damage (Testimonial Las Vegas): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_YupoIRRcs
Damage in Storage – Rip Repair: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2Jxozdtl0w
Expert Author – Tom Antion Hurricane Testimonial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwBbcAF-j8A
Water Damaged Paintings: https://animoto.com/play/YGtMXOyRkR8Z0Y8QPx4gsw
Water damaged art treatment – blog: https://www.fineartconservationlab.com/in-lab/art-damaged-over-and-over/
Smoke Damage – Elite Restoration – Blog Post: https://www.fineartconservationlab.com/travel/smoke-damage-on-artwork-we-work-as-a-sub-to-disaster-response-companies/
Let’s Talk! Contact us:
Scott M. Haskins, Gena Dillon
805 564 3438 office, 805 570 4140 mobile,
If you work in historic properties, murals and historic decorative finishes are one of our specializations.
A short testimonial of the peace of mind professional, expert services in this specialization can provide.
I have a 5,000 square foot home that had a fire full of antiques, family heirlooms, reproductions, and some original painting, some prints, some lithographs, some oil paintings. I have had a company give us a price to clean and move the furniture but I am a leery of what they will clean it with and will it do damage to the wood. There is smoke and water damage. We are located in Vicksburg, MS. (865) 337-9887
The Real Person!
Author Scott M. Haskins acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Bill, thanks for your phone call this morning. Sorry for your loss and difficulties. I look forward to working with you.
I like to to receive your Newsletter but I can’t subscibe, don’t know why.
Thank you and best regards
Prof. Giovanni A. Bassoli
cell. +39 329 917 19 02
The Real Person!
Author Scott M. Haskins acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Sorry for the mis-link. It was disabled years ago (this website has been functional since 2000) during website software upgrading and it never got re-instated. But interesting content is posted routinely on https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCemzUslcaXyj4KEx26bnLDw?view_as=subscriber to which I’m sure you can subscribe. Otherwise, I’d suggest monthly visits to see what is new on this website.
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All my warmest wishes
Pingback: Woolsey Fire in Malibu - Smoke Damaged Art and Collectible Salvage, Rescue, Restoration | Fine Art Conservation Laboratories (FACL, Inc.)
Pingback: Smoke and Mold Odor Removal from Art and Collectibles in Malibu and Thousand Oaks from the Woolsey Fire | Fine Art Conservation Laboratories (FACL, Inc.)