Exhibition: “Art in the Streets” at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles missed a BIG opportunity to be a “guiding light institution.”

The Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles

missed a BIG opportunity to be a “guiding light institution”

in the Exhibition: “Art in the Streets”

Graffiti vandal

Street Artist or Graffiti Vandal?

Exhibition Entrance to Art in the Streets at The Museum of Contemporary Art in LA

Exhibition Entrance to Art in the Streets at The Museum of Contemporary Art in LA

On a related subject to the article that follows after this, I’m moved to comment on an interesting controversial art exhibit that shows off street art, graffiti etc. Is it really art… or vandalism!? The fact that I am a professional art conservator interested in the preservation, protection of murals you might say, “Duh.” But I’ve had emotional deep felt discussions with Kent Twitchell, Willie Herron, Thomas Suriya and Judy Baca (four of the most famous mural artists in Los Angeles) who paint in the streets and they have VERY strong opinions on this issue. There’s really not a gray area.

I come from a position of experience dealing with the damage caused by “street artists” who think they have rights or freedom of expression to vandalize, deface private and public property, ruin true works of art that have a legal right to exist and whose defacements represent and promote the dregs of society. The only justification that these outlaws have is the same mentality that they think justifies anarchy. If you didn’t understand that last statement, well, it means “stop tagging, its wrong” (as if that will help you “get it”).

Vandalized public transportation

The show at MOCA shows off the art skills of some great street artists. Don’t compare these skills to the scribbled comments and scribbles on walls you will see around town. Some of these artists are true geniuses and their art is amazing. There is a place for it and it beautifies and stimulates a community.

The difference between their art and graffiti tagging is the difference between the NBA and backlot pick up ball in grade school.

But MOCA blew it big time. They confused the public’s perception and actually taught the public through different media about the skills of taggers… not artists: destroyers of public and private property. The MOCA show, while making a small obligatory mention of tagging being bad, there was not a “stand taken” and a line drawn between tagging and quality street art. There was no teaching. In the interest of misguided freedom of expression, they missed the boat on educating the public and did not express both sides of the difficult and insidious debate/problem.

The Mural Conservancy of LA Executive Director, Isabel Rojas-Williams told me they connect with many past teenage taggers who are now grown up, with families, jobs etc. They almost universally express regret for having defaced and vandalized… especially the works of public art by the great muralists.

graffiti covered murals

A teenage brain fart that causes damage to private and private property and public art is wrong, bad for society, bad for the soul and a counterfeit imitation masquerading as (in their minds) art in the streets.  “Art in the Streets” at the Museum of Contemporary Art missed making that distinction in a clear and public way.

Scott M. Haskins

Conservator of Fine Art


Vandals NOT Street Artists

VAndals NOT street Artists

Caltrans and Mural Conservancy of Los Angeles

Bring In Experts and

Inspect Downtown LA Freeway Murals

Vandals brutalize public art

Vandals brutalize public art

Gorgeous Murals Overcome By Teenage-Brain-Farting-Graffiti-Vandals

Freeway murals in downtown LA are really a study on the subject of the battle against graffiti and tagging vandals. Caltrans (the highway maintenance authority in the State of California) is required by law to keep graffiti under control and off walls… even if those walls have really great murals on them. The Mural Conservancy of LA is the main voice lobbying to protect and save the outdoor mural creations of artists in LA. So, you would think these two entities would be at odds.

But I attended a meeting with representatives from both of these two organizations on Thurs. April 28th, 2011 as an art conservation consultant and expert with the purpose of figuring out the problems associated with preservation, conservation and restoration of these great works of art in the form of murals along the sides of freeways. This was not a run of the mill meeting, in a corporate office with suits.

Privileged parking

We met, as you might guess, in the office of Caltrans: behind fluorescent orange cones, closing down a traffic lane in downtown LA at 8 am in the morning. They are the “gods of the highways.” We got a “do or die” safety orientation, then followed dutifully to an on-ramp by an overpass with obliterated murals by the best and most famous outdoor mural artist in Los Angeles, Kent Twitchell. We parked behind the same orange cones where you will NEVER get to park in your whole life and took the short walk to stand in front of the murals. There we did tests, measured the dimensions, took pictures and video and discussed the past efforts by several well meaning organizations over the years. We did this procedure for 4 murals in different locations, one completed painted out and no longer visible.

Photo by Gil Ortiz

Photo by Gil Ortiz

The purpose of this meeting was agreed upon ahead of time to be a cooperative synergistic effort to put heads together and figure out how to show off the murals and keep the graffiti off them… a problem that had been wrestled with for decades… BUT, an old problem that may have “fresh legs.”

There have been some new developments and new techniques in graffiti removal and mural protection. There was encouraging dialog and a commitment to discuss, cooperate, test the procedures and make progress with this insidious problem. “Fired up” would be a good way to express the expectations of further efforts and expected positive results. We’ll keep you informed. It shouldn’t be too long into the future. We’ll post very cool, compelling photos and some very unique video on several websites.

Scott M. Haskins, Fine Art Conservator

Sign up for my blog updates at https://www.fineartconservationlab.com

We’ll also post notices of articles on Facebook at “Mural Art Conservation”

The Mural Conservancy of LA is at www.lamurals.org

For videos of another interesting mural project, click on this link: www.fineartconservationlab.com/la-produce-market-murals


Graffiti busting strategies

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Mural Conservancy of Los Angeles Meets with Caltrans To Inspect Downtown LA Freeway Murals

Taggers Vandalize Public Art

Gorgeous Downtown LA Murals Obliterated by Teenage Brain Farting Graffiti Vandals

Freeway murals in downtown LA are really a study on the subject of the battle against graffiti and tagging vandals. Caltrans (the highway maintenance authority in the State of California) is required by law to keep graffiti under control and off walls… even if those walls have really great murals on them. The Mural Conservancy of LA is the main voice lobbying to protect and save the outdoor mural creations of artists in LA. So, you would think these two entities would be at odds.

But I attended a meeting with representatives from both of these two organizations on Thurs. April 28th, 2011 as an art conservation consultant and expert with the purpose of figuring out the problems associated with preservation, conservation and restoration of these great works of art in the form of murals along the sides of freeways. This was not a run of the mill meeting, in a corporate office with suits.

Privilaged parking

We met, as you might guess, in the office of Caltrans: behind fluorescent orange cones, closing down a traffic lane in downtown LA at 8 am in the morning. They are the “gods of the highways.” We got a “do or die” safety orientation, then followed dutifully to an on-ramp by an overpass with obliterated murals by the best and most famous outdoor mural artist in Los Angeles, Kent Twitchell. We parked behind the same orange cones where you will NEVER get to park in your whole life and took the short walk to stand in front of the murals. There we did tests, measured the dimensions, took pictures and video and discussed the past efforts by several well meaning organizations over the years. We did this procedure for 4 murals in different locations, one completed painted out and no longer visible.

Twtichell covered with graffiti
Mural by Kent Twichell covered by graffiti

The purpose of this meeting was agreed upon ahead of time to be a cooperative synergistic effort to put heads together and figure out how to show off the murals and keep the graffiti off them… a problem that had been wrestled with for decades… BUT, an old problem that may have “fresh legs.”

There have been some new developments and new techniques in graffiti removal and mural protection. There was encouraging dialog and a commitment to discuss, cooperate, test the procedures and make progress with this insidious problem. “Fired up” would be a good way to express the expectations of further efforts and expected positive results. We’ll keep you informed. It shouldn’t be too long into the future. We’ll post very cool, compelling photos and some very unique video on several websites.

Please Click on the THUMBS UP if you liked this article

Scott M. Haskins, Fine Art Conservator

Sign up for my blog updates at https://www.fineartconservationlab.com

We’ll also post notices of articles on Facebook at “Mural Art Conservation” http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mural-Art-Conservation-Restoration/176077192428392

The Mural Conservancy of LA is at http://www.muralconservancy.org

For videos of another interesting mural project, click on this link: www.fineartconservationlab.com/la-produce-market-murals

Fighting back the vandals

Fighting back to save the murals

Exhibition: “Art in the Streets”

at the

Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles

missed a BIG opportunity to be a “guiding light institution.”

Entrance to MOCA Art in the Streets

Entrance to MOCA Exhibition Art in the Streets

On a related subject, let me comment on an interesting controversial art exhibit that shows off or applauds street art or aerosol art but fails to separate from the work of these artists the vandalism of graffiti. There’s a huge difference and the artists themselves know the difference. This is not a question of taste or liking one style of art better than another. Even if the lettering of graffiti is decorative, that doesn’t make it art any more than calligraphy is generally considered art. But defacing someone else’s property does make it vandalism.

As an art conservator who works on murals, I deal with the damage caused by “graffiti vandals” who think they have rights or freedom of expression to vandalize, deface private and public property, ruin true works of art that have a legal right to exist and whose defacements represent and promote the dregs of society. The only justification that these outlaws have is the same mentality that justifies anarchy.

Public transportation graffiti
Public property vandalized

HOWEVER, the show at MOCA shows off the art skills of street art that could be compared to the NBA compared to the regular “street art” and scribbled comments on walls you will see around town. Some of these artists are true geniuses and their art is amazing. There is a place for it and it beautifies and stimulates a community.

The MOCA show, while making a small obligatory mention of tagging being bad, there was not a “stand taken” and a line drawn between tagging and quality street art. There was no teaching. In the interest of misguided freedom of expression, they missed the boat on educating the public and did not express both sides of the difficult and insidious debate/problem.

As much as I like street art or aerosol art in the right locations, I think its pretty obvious that graffiti tagging with monikers is vandalism.

The Mural Conservancy of LA Executive Director, Isabel Rojas-Williams told me they connect with many past teenage taggers who are now grown up, with families, jobs etc. They almost universally express regret for having defaced and vandalized… especially the works of public art by the great muralists.

Murals in downtown LA vandalized
Gorgeous downtown LA mural vandalized

A teenage brain fart that causes damage to private and private property and public art is wrong, bad for society, bad for the soul and a counterfeit imitation masquerading as (in their minds) art in the streets.  “Art in the Streets” at the Museum of Contemporary Art missed making that distinction in a clear and public way.

Please Click on the THUMBS UP if you liked this article

Scott M. Haskins, Conservator of Fine Art


Vandals - NOT Street Artists

Vandals - NOT Street Artists

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Caltrans and Mural Conservancy Inspects Downtown LA Freeway Murals

Downtown Freeway Murals in LA Smeared with Graffiti

Gorgeous Murals Overcome By Scum Graffiti Vandals

Freeway murals in downtown LA are really a study on the subject of graffiti. Caltrans is required by law to keep graffiti under control and off walls… even if those walls have really great murals on them.The Mural Conservancy of LA is the main voice in favor of the outdoor mural creations of artists in LA. So, you would think they would be at odds. But this meeting on the freeways of LA was a cooperative synergistic effort to put heads together and figure out how to show off the murals and keep the graffiti off them… and age old problem that may have “fresh legs.”

I’ll write more on this in the next day or so… I’ve got lots of pictures and video.

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Mural Conservancy of Los Angeles – Protect, Preserve, Conserve, Restore LA’s Murals

Graffiti - public art's cancer

101 Freeway in LA – Caltrans’ solution- paint it out.

Of the 10 murals painted along Los Angeles Freeways to celebrate the 1984 Olympics, 7 have been painted out by Cal Trans and the other three are slated for being painted out with the excuse that its will be for “their protection against graffiti”! What art conservation expert gave them that strategy?!

A few years ago, I was the expert witness for the federal government when they painted out a large famous mural in LA. Without going into details, my determinations, testing and recommendations resulted in a $1.2 million settlement for the artist. Interestingly enough, one of the lawyers from the artist’s legal team called me up last week and asked if this time, I would be on their team to address the Cal Trans issues.

First off, let me say, I am not the expert witness for one side or the other. I am an advocate for the artwork and my cleaning tests and feasibility tests result one way or another no matter who is paying my bill.

So, with that in mind, I was approached to be on the Advisory Board of the Mural Conservancy of Los Angeles (MCLA) who is getting a surge of new energy to be an active player in LA. MCLA was created in 1987 as a community-supported organization to preserve and protect LA’s diverse and culturally historic public Mural Arts. I’m assuming that it’s a chance to connect with quality impassioned people for public mural art that can make a difference.

I’ll keep you updated.

Mural conservation restoration questions? Call toll free 888 704 7757

What can you do at home to protect and save your collectibles, heirlooms, intellectual property, family history? www.saveyourstuffblog.com

Also see www.tipsforartcollectors.com

Give this article a THUMBS UP, please.

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Water Damage Restoration of Gorgeous Murals at LA Produce Market – Preview

Go to www.fineartconservationlab.com/la-produce-market-murals to see the full version of this preview video. Scott Haskins shows you the onsite art conservation treatments and interesting details of these monumental, fabulous murals by Thomas Suriya. Give this video a THUMBS UP please!

What can you do at home to save your stuff? www.saveyourstuffblog.com

Mural questions? Call toll free 888 704 7757
Appraisal questions? www.faclappraisals.com

See other mural projects at:
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Mural Art Conservation Survey and Overpaint Removal at Texas Southern University (TSU)

I’m at TSU this week and its been a great week of looking at art. This University has a rich heritage of mural painting starting back with some really great artist pioneers back in the 50’s. The result has been an administration building FULL of murals, in every hallway! Its odd, but wonderful to see.

Murals at TSU

Very Cool Amorphic Figures in Murals at TSU

Other buildings on campus also have murals and I’ll write more about them in the upcoming days. The survey of the murals is gathering the information about their condition so TSU can have an up to date database to consult and they manage their collection. The registrar, Monica Vidal, has really been “on it!” She’s been great.

Mural by Abe Washington

Mural by Abe Washington 1971

Tomorrow I will get into the testing and estimating of the removal of the overpaint from the murals of Harvey Johnson that were painted out last Sept. or thereabouts. We should complete the actual counting and logging in of the murals. Here’s a photo of one of the walls where the Harvey Johnson murals were painted out.

Mural at TSU

Mural? What mural?

An interesting note: While we were inspecting the murals, I used a UV blacklight to look over for signatures that have color shifted into “invisability” or have been obliterated by touchup, repairs etc. Here’s an example of how using a special powerful UV blacklight can be a great tool for any collector, registrar, appraiser, art claims adjuster:

Invisible signature POPPED out with a special UV blacklight

Previously not visible, the UV blacklight made it POP out

Read more about this new light and get NEW information about using a UV blacklight at www.tipsforartcollectors.org/blacklight-package

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Check out our videos on YouTube under the name: “bestartdoc”

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TSU Murals By Harvey Johnson That Were Painted Out Similar To Work At Fair Park- See Video

Cleaning off the overpaint from murals that have been painted out is tricky… but we do it. Next week I’ll be in Houston, Texas visiting Texas Southern University (TSU) to survey, inspect and inventory 168 murals! And while there, I’ll evaluate the Harvey Johnson murals that were painted out to propose their restoration. This work is simliar to a monumental project we did at Fair Park, Dallas, Texas… that turned out great! Here’s a quick video:

Media: Comments and interviews call Scott Haskins at 805 570 4140


www.tipsforartcollectors.org (Click on  Museum Wax heading for how to save and protect collectibles and artwork at home and office. Fun videos!

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TSU Murals – Consultation and Survey



Painted out Harvey Johnson Mural
This mural by Harvey Johnson was recently painted out.


Texas Southern University (TSU) has contracted with Scott Haskins and FACL, Inc. to do a survey of the 168 murals on campus. Even without really getting into the project, there has already been significant progress by TSU admin. by turning the care of the murals over to the art museum and counting the murals as part of the art collection. Previously they were just ignored, mostly cared for by facilities.

We’re in the planning stages right now with Monica Vidal, the TSU Art Museum’s new Registrar, to design the survey and software for the inventory. For more about what is happening, go to www.tsumurals.org


Conservation Questions? Call us Toll Free 888 704 7757


Also, follow us on Facebook: “Fine Art Conservation” Mural Art Conservation” and “Save Your Stuff”


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And… check out the Museum Wax Package at the top of the page in the Navigation Bar. Its a GREAT deal on something that is ESSENTIAL in every home to protect and save collectibles, family history etc.

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