Kent Twitchell’s Jim Morphesis Monument Mural Fully Restored

In 1984, Kent Twitchell, Los Angeles’ most famous and most visible mural artist, was part of an elite group of artists to paint for the City of Los Angeles a series of murals along the downtown freeways to celebrate the Olympics. His “7th Street Altarpiece” composition uniquely consisted of two murals, one on each side of the 101 freeway under the Grand Ave. overpass. It was genius.

Jim Morphesis Monument after restoration

Jim Morphesis Monument After Graffiti Removal and Art Conservation - Photo by Gil Ortiz

Over the years, these two murals, The Jim Morphesis Monument and Lita Albuquerque, have unmercifully been tagged by graffiti vandals, disrespecting the artwork and the community that celebrated. Several attempts have been made to restore them but a lack of commitment to their maintenance relegated them back to a visual expression of anarchy.

Recently, The Mural Conservancy of Los Angeles committed to maintain these murals and Fine Art Conservation Laboratories was chosen. So the mural restoration was undertaken and this last week, the Jim Morphesis Monument by Kent Twitchell was fully restored (see photo above).

For a short video on the testing of Kent’s original artwork to see IF it could be cleaned safely, go to Reclaimed from graffiti vandals (and we’re going to keep the graffiti off!) it will be the first of many.

Stay tuned for short video of fine tuning of cleaning, touch up and varnish.  Interesting stuff, the saving of art masterpieces. Spread this good news around!

To contribute to the removal of graffiti and the maintaining of the murals, go to

Conservation/restoration questions? Call Scott M. Haskins 213 620 9125

Also, see other interesting restoration videos at Facebook Channel “bestartdoc”

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Is Removing Graffiti A Useless Waste Of Effort?

Anti Graffiti Protection for Murals - The Right Type and Amount of Varnish

Anti Graffiti Protection for Murals - The Right Type and Amount of Varnish

I had this dialog about the Jim Morphesis Monument mural by Kent Twitchell. We have just completed the graffiti removal, conservation/preservation and restoration this last week. Good questions and straight answers:

Laura: I love that piece, and it breaks my heart when it gets tagged.

Mario: great piece when its not tagged, question is, when isn’t it?

Scott M. Haskins Answer to future tagging: We’ve been hired to maintain the mural and keep it clean. Making good progress on Jim Morphesis Monument. New photo posted

Mario: as a long time resident of LA I would guess that in the last 15 years or so this and other murals have spent more tagged up than not, I remember when this wasn’t the case, sadly the tagging quickly turns some of these beautiful murals into huge eyesores that some of us are subjected to on a daily basis.. good luck with maintaining the mural, unless your planning to occupy the site, you’ll need it.. btw, how many more strategically placed murals could be painted with all of the money spent on restoring those that are poorly located? A close friend expressed his frustration that more is spent every time his mural is restored than he was paid to paint it… really?

Kent Twitchell Some people have given up (with the idea of having murals in our community and keeping them nice). Some others haven’t.

Scott M. Haskins: Mario, maintenance is the key. If a mural gets tagged Caltrans requires that the graffiti get removed (or painted out with their gray paint) within 10 days or even 48 hours if the tagging is obscene. We are planning to remove any tagging within 48 hours of the tag occurring… but that depends also on if we are notified right away. Small graffiti initials/name can be removed for a couple of hundred dollars. A tag that is more thickly applied and bigger, maybe a few hundred. An enormous repainting type of graffiti can still be /removed for, lets say, maybe about $1,500- $2,000… hardly the cost or payment for painting a mural. The key to a maintenance program working is to be organized, follow through, the coordination of, Caltrans, Public Works and about 4 other entities… and of course, there has to be funding… which there is.

Finally, consider other nice things you appreciate. They often require maintenance/upkeep over a continued basis. To see all the videos on the treatments and more go to

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Kent Twitchell’s Mural-Monument to the LA Chamber Orchestra News Article

The Harbor Freeway Mural

Coming from the south northward on the 110 Freeway in downtown LA

This is a very nice article in today’s LA Times about the 20th anniversary of Kent Twitchell’s Monument to the LA Chamber Orchestra. What a fantastic visual treat it is as you come up the 110 Freeway from the south into downtown Los Angeles. In a day when printed posters for movies are the size of a building, it kind of blows you away to think of a hand painted mural that is 10 stories high. The mural eventually took on the title, The Harbor Freeway Overture.
Kent and I have been talking about doing some maintenance on the mural but this mural is not part of the 1984 Olympic Freeway Murals, which are the focus of the Mural Conservancy of Los Angeles’ efforts for restoration/conservation/preservation.
Shortly after you pass the Monument to the LA Chamber Orchestra,while you are still downtown, you will see Judy Baca’s great mural on the right side of the freeway under the 4th Street overpass sadly covered with graffiti. A short distance ahead on the left you will see Alonzo Davis’ mural, also vandalized. These two murals are slated for graffiti removal and art conservation just as was done for the Jim Morphesis Monument mural on the 101 freeway (
The reason the Monument to the LA Chamber Orchestra has looked good all these years and has not been tagged is that it is out of reach, thankfully. Congratulations to Kent Twitchell and the LA Chamber Orchestra for the 20th Anniversary of this incredible, world class quality mural, truely a gift to the City of Los Angeles and all who live and work here.

For videos on the graffiti removal and restoration of other murals in Los Angeles, go to YouTube channel “bestartdoc” at SUBSCRIBE NOW to be notified when I add more videos.

Conservation/restoration questions? Call Scott M. Haskins 805 564 3438

Art appraisal questions? Call Richard Holgate at 805 895 5121

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Two Testimonials Received Today for Art Conservation and Painting Restoration Services

For those of you who have not done business with FACL, Inc. YET, let me share with you these two testimonials that we received today:

“We have trusted FACL in Santa Barbara since 2002 with all our work, especially with our most difficult restoration projects, knowing that the art conservation treatments will be done right the first time. They are expedient in turnaround, do excellent work and I always get great results. Besides the actual work on our gallery’s paintings, I depend on Scott Haskins for his unparalleled expertise in connoissuership and his high integrity and business ethics”  Wynne Benti, Coons Gallery, Bishop, CA

I just bought a Redmond that you worked on and it was so gorgeous and your work so wonderful that I bought it as soon as I saw it. Would you please email me a “condition report” for the repaired Redmond?  My insurance comp needs it to arrive at a value for my new policy. Thank you and I will be contacting you again soon! Bernard, Private Collector in Orange County, CA

During cleaning - a painting by Granville Redmond

This is a small during cleaning detail from a Redmond recently worked on in the lab. But this is not the Redmond the testimonial refers to.

Painting conservation questions? Call Scott Haskins 805 564 3438

Art appraisal questions? Call Richard Holgate at 805 895 5121

Also, see

Subscribe to our YouTube channel at “bestartdoc”

Follow us on Facebook at “Tips For Art Collectors”

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Kent Twitchell’s Mural of Jim Morphesis Restoration Update

Hi Everyone,

We are “on the wall” today working to complete the mural restoration and conservation this week. Here is a photo from today:

Mural conservation of Kent Twitchell's Monument to Jim Morphesis

Virginia Panizzon touching up the background

Notice the improvement in the background around the thumb. Tomorrow the mural will undergo a transformation!

Go to for more complete info and videos about the project.

Questions: Scott M. Haskins  805 564 3438 office, 805 570 4140 mobile

See testimonials of FACL services:

Consider making a donation to this very worthy effort to reclaim the public art from graffiti:

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Kent Twitchell’s Final Stroke of Genius on the Mural “The Word” – Biola Jesus

I’ve written before about the work we did with mural artist extraordinaire Kent Twtichell (probably the most famous artist in LA and maybe the most famous mural artist in the USA) on his mural called the Biola Jesus by the public but formally named, “The Word.” Its located at, you guessed it, Biola University in la Mirada CA (Los Angeles) and is realy a wonderful image and artistic expression.

Some time ago, there was an olive tree in front of the mural that died and was removed. Well, this tree was part of Twitchell’s composition! It was considered an important part of the placement of the central figure, coloring etc.

You can see the videos about the restoration work (which was really interesting and entertaining) at

The wonderful detail I’m now posting about is the planting of a new tree, just to make the mural “whole” again. Note that this is a BIG olive tree and very expensive. I applaud loudly the sensitivity of the university to the overall effect the mural with the tree can have on the public.

The Word with new tree

The new olive tree replacement was originally part of Twitchell's composition of the mural

We’ve been working on another mural by Kent Twitchell that is located on a freeway and was heavily tagged. If you’d like to see what that interesting project is about go to

Art conservation questions? Call Scott Haskins at 805 564 3438
Art appraisal questions? Call Richard Holgate at 805 895 5121

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Graffiti Removal From Jim Morphesis’s Face

Today was soooo coooool! Graffiti came flying off in sheets and it was extreme to see Jim Morphesis’ face peek out again, unveiled, from the beneath the much, vandalism and the dark side into the bright sun of the Southern California Nov. 16th sunny day. Want to be part of it?! Here’s a 15 second clip… just a peek till I get the video made later….

Want to donate to saving the LA 1984 Olympic freeway Murals? Go to

Freaking great stuff….

Posted in Murals | 14 Comments

Graffiti Removal From LA 1984 Olympic Freeway Murals To Begin- Details and Video

Jim Morphesis Monument with graffiti Nov. 2011

Graffiti on Jim Morphesis Monument Nov. 2011

Mural restoration and graffiti removal in downtown Los Angeles will begin Tues. This will be the first 101 freeway mural of 4 that are covered with graffiti. Then, after these 4 are looking good, another 8 murals that are part of this 1984 Olympic Freeway Murals series will undergo gray overpaint removal to reveal the artwork in all their glory.

The first mural to get the “face lift” will be the “Jim Morphesis Monument”, a mural by Kent Twitchell painted in 1984. The freeway art is located at the N. Hope St and W. Temple St overpass of the 101 Freeway and one of two murals that make up the “7th St. Altarpiece.”

Scott M. Haskins, conservator of fine art at FACL, Inc. (Fine Art Conservation Laboratories 805 564 3438) will be doing the art conservation work and mural restoration treatments. The project will be coordinated and organized by The Mural Conservancy of Los Angeles, Isabel Rojas-Williams, Executive Director (213 291 6900). Kent Twitchell, the original artist, will be collaborating on the project (310 709 2037).

Here’s a cool video about what is going to happen:

Next Tues at 8 am in the morning think of us, with ear plugs in, working on the side of the 101 freeway in downtown LA!

This is a very big thing! Downtown LA will be talking. Do you know a media person? Would you please forward them the link to this page?

See other videos on our YouTube Channel “bestartdoc”

Click NOW on the THUMBS UP if you like this project.

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Banksy Mural in LA

I’ve been working with a team of people for the last 6 months who have been trying to get their act together to save a Banksy mural from demolition on a Gas Station wall in West LA. Banksy did the mural while he was in LA for a wedding a couple of years ago. He actually asked the owner if he could “tag” the wall with his spray paint mural and was given permission!

So, I went to Los Angeles today to meet with owners, contractors and auction house reps to discuss taking the mural off a wall and then the final result will be sold at auction. It looks like they are ready to get started in the next couple of weeks… maybe. Here’s the photo of the mural, which you can’t see anymore cause its covered up to protect it.

Banksy mural

This is one of two murals.

If you haven’t heard about Banksy, he’s a English graffiti artist that has achieved celebrity status. If you’d like to be “in the know” go to or look him up on Wiki. Even a movie has been made of him and his work called “Exit Through the Gift Shop”. See This should make for some interesting posts and a video. Stay tuned!

Any guesses as to the value? Leave a comment! Give this a THUMBS UP?!

Art conservation questions? 805 564 3438

Art appraisal questions? 805 895 5121

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Twitchell’s Mural Jim Morphesis Monument Is First Mural To Be Adopted and Cleaned

Jim Morphesis Monument under Temple St. Overpass in LA

Jim Morphesis Monument on the 101 freeway in downtown Los Angeles

Kent Twitchell painted the mural “Jim Morphesis Monument” under the 101 freeway overpass of Hope St. It is part of a two piece mural diptych called “7th Street Altarpiece”, the other mural being that of Lita Albuquerque. And “7th Street Altarpiece” is part of the 1984 Olympics murals series that adorned our freeways with 12 murals by living masters. Since their placement on the freeways, however, vandalism has saddened millions of Los Angelinos and visitors.

There have been several attempts over the years to restore “Jim Morphesis Monument” and the other murals but efforts have always fallen short. WHY? Click HERE to be linked to the page with the video… very interesting!

Well, The Mural Conservancy of Los Angeles (MCLA) to the rescue and there has been great progress! This first mural is on the list to benefit from the new partnerships.

Kent Twitchell assisted in testing the cleaning of Jim Morphesis Monument.

Kent Twitchell in front of the heavily tagged Jim Morphesis Monument

Several cleaning processes were evaluated and a combination specifically customized to meet the needs of this particular mural looks like the right method to get the job done safely for the mural. Here’s a great photographic shot of the graffiti peeling off the original mural and allowing the gorgeous original colors to come screaming into the day light once again. Kent Twitchell was blown-away-happy by the successful results of these cleaning tests. So, you are getting the latest news scoop!

Removing graffit

Graffiti removal from mural by Kent Twitchell

Want to see FACL, Inc. and Scott M. Haskins in action? Want to see the processes? Want to see and know the inside scoop on this super cool high profile job that millions will be seeing? Click HERE to be linked to the page with the video… very interesting!

This blog site is the first place the information will be posted.

So, sign up for blog updates NOW!

Please spread the word. Click on the THUMBS UP. Leave a comment.

Mural conservation and art conservation questions? Call Scott M. Haskins 805 564 3438

The Mural Conservancy of Los Angeles: Executive Director, Isabel Rojas-Williams 213 291 6900

Would you like to donate to help save the murals?
Here is the link to MCLA’s membership/donation page:

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